In these last four years eh state in the ESO at the Institute of Castello de Empuries. I have had many good times, But too bad. I have also found many new and good friends. Right now only comes to mind eh my best memories I had. At the moment I have the ESO first to third approved, and now I 'm doing the fourth and final year. I hope this tambiene approved. The best times I stay are when you tell a good grade of a subject. I also believe that everyone in the ESO we were all good, both teachers and students. And that's it. we will no longer use this Blog.
Bye Bye ESO.
This year , I turn 16 , I'm super excited because now able to work, and besides that pordre drive a bike, which is what I was waiting for a long time. Then I'll sure any birthday party with my friends, because they are the support em all , help me in everything that can and deserve to have a party and guests who are in it. You may someday before, make the guest list , with family and friends, and then also organize as it will go my birthday party with confetti and many activities like preparing em to me. And that's all I think I'll do in my birthday party , have if I can have a splendid day and not have any problem to celebrate.
Link sound This summer I have thought of going to work in some ice cream shop or clothing stores. I also plan to go to the beach to bathe and also the pool. We may also think about going with my friends somewhere camping or riding a celebration of my 16 years. And I think it is a subject for September , I will have to do homework and study for the test , but I hope not left me any.Also I have plans with my family , going camping some also or can we go on vacation, if all goes well , somewhere. And that's all , I think that everything I have said are the plans that will be this summer for me.
1. In the story takes place in Verona, Italy In the Film The location is Verona Beach, Florida, in the United States.
2. In the book Rosaline is never seen in the play.
In the movie, she is seen.
3. At the feast, as soon as Tybalt realizes Romeo is a Montague, he goes to fight him.
In the movie he goes to his uncle Capulet to complain to him.
4. In the book I can sneak Romeo Juliet home once because she has sucurity
In the movie romeo sneaks everyday at night time.
5. In the book Romeo goes to Juliet's balcony after the masquerade ball.
In the movie Both meet at Juliet's pool, and a guard almost finds Romeo.
6. In the book Romeo kills Paris at the Capulet tomb. In the film this does not happen.
I have no favorite music, but what I like is the musia coming out on the successes of Flaix FM. I also like rap songs that I teach my friends, because I am not seeking music, almost always tell me the name of my friends.
Sometimes if I put myself at home watching the new music coming out on the radio, but I do vezes few, I neesito long time to do that. Generally, the genre that I like most is the pop music because it is what most comes on the radio and it's what people hear more. Then, as I said I also listen to rap, thanks to my friends who let me or my music downloading.
On Friday I went with my friends to the fairs to celebrate the birthday of one of them.At the fairs we got some attractions there, and the first we met two teachers hiban with their families.I then went to a second attraction was very strong.The attraction I liked more, but I was scared, was the house of fear.Then I remember we went to a shop selling these fast food, and we all bought some churros. And last of all, let some of my friends at fairs because they wanted to stay longer and the other we went to look for the bus, because we had to go home for dinner. And at night out.
Blind: Romeo's love is blind
Foolish: Stupid
Glove: Her glove touches her cheek
Poisonous: Verinos
scratch: Mercutio died of scratch.
Hate: The family montague hate family capulet.
Jewel: she is a like a bright jewel.
secretly: Romeo abd Juliet maried secretly.
Crutch: "You're too old to fight, you don't need a sword. you need a crutch": Lady capulet.
Wall: Romeo Jumped the wall for went to see juliet.
Rose: A rose can have any bname.
Wedding: the wedding of romeo and Juliet is in friar laurence cell.
Guests: guest were invited to the party.
Fault: Mercutio's died because of Romeo's faolt.
3. True or false?
Paris is Juliet's Cousin. T
Romeo went alone to the party. F Romeo went to the party with Benvolio and Mercutio.
3. The mystery Sentence.
Is speacking Friar to Romeo, before these words Romeo went secretly to Friar Cell. And after Romeo and Juliet maried.
#shakespeare400 this Hashtag celebrate the 400th anniversary of shakespeare's death. #stradford-upon-avon Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare, steeped in culture and history. #annehathaway Shakespeare's wife #theglobe Shakespeare's Globe is the complex housing a reconstruction of the Globe Theatre, an Elizabethan playhouse in theLondon Borough of Southwark. #plays
- Titus Andronicus
- Timon of Athens
- King John
- Cymbeline
- Hamlet
It is little surprise that the plague was the most dreaded disease of Shakespeare's time. Carried by fleas living on the fur of rats, the plague swept through London in 1563, 1578-9, 1582, 1592-3, and 1603.
premiere of the tragedy of Shakespeare , Romeo and Juliet
his royal patron was Queen Elizabeth
The defeat of the Spanish Armada remains the most glorious event remembered of Elizabeth's reign: the forces of Europe's mightiest Catholic power were confounded by English sea dogs and "Protestant gales."
1. have more than you show, speak less than you know.
1. tener más de mostrar , hablar menos de lo que sabes.
2. Expectation is the root of all heartache.
2. Expectativa es la raíz de todos los dolores de cabeza.
The apple is one of the largest agencies mobiles for now. That store has , mobiles , tablets , computers and more.It has stores throughout the world. Shop closer to where we are is Barcelona. Now it is one of the best mobiles and sellers. In my opinion before I had a famous favorite and was the former founder of Apple but died. His name was Steve Jobs. Speaking of the Barcelona shop , the store has three floors. The floor of the sho is where all mobiles sample, the above is to go try your purchased appliances, and in all there below or accessories covers all Apple devices. And that's it.
In this carnival, my friends Xana, Esther ans Monica went to my house, and prepared the text for my class. In this text we talked about adolescents ans I like this theme. After we prepared the text we went in the toilet and prepared the dresses of carnival and we painted aur faces for was more beautiful while the firneds were ironing the hair I listened to music, my friends are crazy, and my favorite music and listened in this moment is Faded. Then all was ready we visited the sports hall, and saw the people, with my friends, ans danced. At two o'clok we went to my house, we were tired. To get home I chated with my friend Monica.
1. Be nicer: Be nice to everyone because sometimes I do things without thinking and I don't like people feel bad. 2. Pass the ESO: study more weekends and a few days before the exams, and then do homework on the day. 3. Save money: stop buying crap and if I need to buy something necessary to have the money ready. 4. Eat healthier: stop eating candy and eat healthier. 5. Learn something new: learn more and serve me for the remainder of life, lisen more in class to understand more.